Do you feel tired all the time no matter how much you sleep? Has your partner told you about your loud snoring and said you gasp for air at night? These symptoms could mean that you’re having trouble breathing in your sleep, and the quality of your rest – and your overall health – could suffer as a result. Having kept up to date with the latest advancements in modern dentistry, Dr. Parry can help you find a solution for keeping your airway free and clear so that you and your loved ones can sleep comfortably again. Call us today to schedule an appointment and learn more about sleep apnea treatment in Summerfield, NC.
The most obvious symptoms of sleep apnea (such as snoring) will most likely be caught by your bedmate. You may also notice frequent morning headaches, wake up with a dry mouth, have trouble staying asleep, and experience excessive sleepiness and irritability during the day. A diagnosis can only be made by a medical doctor once a sleep test is performed. The test can take place in a lab, but it can also be done at home using a special device.
Losing weight, changing your sleeping position, and giving up alcohol before bed can all help reduce sleep apnea symptoms, but it’s always best to seek professional treatment as soon as you notice the symptoms we’ve touched on above. Dr. Parry can offer an oral appliance that either holds the lower jaw in a forward position or prevents the tongue from falling back in the throat; either kind of device keeps the airway clear so that you can breathe without interruption and enjoy deep, restful sleep.